The workshop, the cultural space and the boutique are accessible to people with disabilities.

Coming to L'hôtel de la dentelle

By train 

One hour from Clermont-Ferrand, then 15 minutes walk from the train station.

By bus  (Brivabus)

Possibility of taking the bus from the SNCF train station to the Place de Paris, which is 3 minutes on foot from the l'Hôtel de la Dentelle. 

By car

One hour from Clermont-Ferrand by taking the A75, exit 20 direction Le Puy en Velay/Brioude/Vergongheon.

The HDLD is just 5 minutes on foot from the historic city centre parking        (it is difficult to park in Brioude).

Parking spaces for people with disability are available around the HDLD.

Find Us

Hôtel de la Dentelle

29, rue du 4 septembre

43100 Brioude

Tél. : 04 71 74 80 02